Becoming a mother for the first time is such an exciting time. You fill up your registry with tons of “baby must haves” you hear about, go a little overboard buying cute outfits they’ll probably outgrow in 5 seconds and buy bulky nursery items you assume you’ll need. You find out within a few months you didn’t need 75% of the things you purchased and now they’re just taking up space. It happens to all of us. As a mom of two, there are a few things I used with baby # 2, and a few new things I discovered, so I wanted to share my nursery must haves as a second time mom.
The Baby Brezza:
This machine is like a gift from the Gods. It makes a perfectly portioned bottle of formula in 3 different temperature settings for you in just seconds. No more scooping out formula from the container, or heating bottles. IT.DOES.IT.ALL. I didn’t have this magical machine with my first child, and I’m almost angry about it. I could have saved so much time if I did. This is definitely a must have for any mom or mom-to-be. We reached out to Baby Brezza and they’re going to offer you all a special discount, 20% off any item $75 or more with code MODAMOB.
Baby Brezza Pro: $199
The dockatot is another must have investment piece. My son loved to lounge in his when he was a baby and even though it’s technically not for sleeping, I would even let him take naps there when I was next to him. It creates a cozy, warm environment for them and they just love to hang out in there.
Dockatot: $175 +
norani Snugababe Swaddle™:
It’s a fact--babies sleep better when they’re swaddled. Our innovative, patent-pending Snugababe Sleep Swaddle features unique arm inserts and fasteners to keep your baby warm, cozy and comfortable all night long.
norani Snugababe Swaddle: $30.99
Skip Hop Moby Bathtub:
This bathtub is perfect for newborns because it has different place settings. You can have it set to the upper level to have your baby lounge in there like a hammock while you bathe them or remove the sling to have them sit up and play. The price is great on it and it’ll last until your baby is about 6 months old.
Skip Hop: $35
Baby Pillow for Flat Head:
My daughter Juliette started to develop a flat head after spending so much time in bed and this baby pillow helped start to shift the shape. I used this pillow on her changing pad and during naps when I was close by. *Make sure to ask your pediatrician if it’s ok for you to use with your baby.
WelLifes Baby Pillow: $20
EverEden Baby Products:
I recently discovered this brand and I’m already a big fan. They make pregnancy and baby products with natural ingredients. I just have such peace of mind when I use safe ingredient products. I especially love their face cream and baby oil.
EverEden Products: $15 +
Skiphop Activity Gym:
Let’s be honest here, the majority of the time your newborn is awake is going to be spent going from one spot to another, so make sure to get something fun like an activity gym that will help stimulate their senses and keep them comfortable on the ground. It’s perfect for tummy time too!
Skip Hop: $85