There are a few different variations of swaddling a baby, you could use a swaddle cloth or a speciality swaddle like the SNUGABABE™. And while there are different methods of swaddling you can try, the one tried and true one is the DUDU method. What does DUDU mean? Down-Up-Down-Up. It’s a little saying to help you remember the correct steps on how to swaddle properly.
How Does the DUDU Method Work? Here are the 4 steps:
The first D- Down:
If using a standard swaddle cloth: Fold one corner of the wrap down to shape it like a diamond. Place your child on top with their neck on top of the top of the diamond. The fold should start at where their neck is. Hold their right arm down and take the left side of the swaddle and tightly tuck it under their body on the right side.
If using the SNUGABABE™: Place baby on their back on top of the swaddle with their head and neck on top of the fold and gently insert baby’s arms inside arm inserts. Fold over the left side of the swaddle over the baby’s chest and gently tuck it under the baby’s body, creating a cozy fit.
The first U- Up:
If using a standard swaddle cloth: Bring the bottom of the swaddle cloth UP and tuck it under the right shoulder inside the swaddle wrap. Remember, arms tight, hips loose.
If using the SNUGABABE™: Fold over any excess fabric from the bottom of the swaddle and tuck it under the right shoulder or by the chest. Remember, arms tight, hips loose.
The second D- Down:
If using a standard swaddle cloth: Hold the piece you just tucked under the shoulder down with your hand so you can bring the remaining piece of cloth over and keep it right.
If using the SNUGABABE™: Same as above.
The second U- Up:
If using a standard swaddle cloth: Grab the remaining side and pull it over the chest, under the baby and bring it back around to tuck into the fold you created on their chest. Place baby on back to sleep.
If using the SNUGABABE™: Bring the loose right corner and pull it snuggly, wrapping it behind the baby and secure it to the Velcro towards the left shoulder. Place baby on back to sleep.